The 41-231 Range Igniter brings reliable ignition to any range or oven. Featuring advanced ignition technology, this igniter offers a superior warranty, providing lasting peace of mind. It is backed by an impressive 100% success rate in lighting the gas. Make your kitchen work easier with the XP1401 Range Igniter.
Used with 3.3 to 3.8 Amps 120V AC rated gas safety valves.
Part number 41-231 replaces DS024KX, MEE61841401, MEE61841402, MEE63084901
Supported Models:
LRG3093SB, LRG3093ST, FG4331EB, FG4331ES, FG4341ES, LRG3095SB, LRG3095ST, FG4134EB, FG4134ES, LRG3097ST, LRG3093SW, LDG3015SB, LDG3015ST, LDG3015SW, LRG3095SW, LDG3011ST, LDG3016ST, LSRG309ST, LRG3091SB, LRG3091ST, LRG3091SW, LDG3036ST, LRG3081ST, LDG4313ST, LRG3061ST, LSG4513ST, LRG3061BD, LRG3085ST, LRG4113ST, LDG4315ST, LDG4315BD, LDG4311ST, LRG4115ST, LUTG4519SN, LRG4111ST, LTG4715BD, LSSG3019BD, LRG3193ST, LSSG3016ST, LTG4715ST, LSG4511ST, LTG4715BM, LRG3193BD, LRG3193BM, LDG4313BD, LSG4513BD, LRG3194ST, LSG4515BM, SKSDR360GS, UPSG3014ST, SKSGR480GS, LSG4515ST, LSSG3020BD, SKSDR480GS, LSSG3017ST, LSG4511BD, SKSGR360GS, LDG3035ST, LRG3194SW, LDG3031ST, LSRG307ST, LRG3194BD, LRG3081BD, LDG3037ST, 76033, LRG3083ST, LRG3193SW, LRG3193SB, LRG3021ST, LRG3194BM, LRGL5825D, LRGL5825F, LRGL5823D, LRG3060ST, LDG3035SW, LDG3036BD, LDG3035SB, 76037, 65SM9000PUA, LRGL5823S, LRGL5821S, LSGL6335F, LSGL6337D, LSGL6337F