The AGM30063309 Dryer Gas Valve Assembly is a reliable, durable component in gas-fueled dryers. This durable part is certified for safe and efficient dryer operation. It ensures the precise release of gas, so you can be sure your appliance runs smoothly and efficiently.
Part Numbers AGM30063309 replaces 5221EL2002A, 1266848, 5221EL2002C, 5221EL2004A
Supported Models:
CDG3389WD, CDG3389WN, DLG0332W, DLG0332W, DLG0332W, DLG0452G, DLG0452W, DLG1102W, DLG1320W, DLG1502W, DLG2051W, DLG2102W, DLG2141W, DLG2241W, DLG2251W, DLG2302, DLG2302R, DLG2302W, DLG2351R, DLG2351W, DLG2511W, DLG2511W, DLG2522W, DLG2524W, DLG2525S, DLG2525S, DLG2525S, DLG2526W, DLG2526W/00, DLG2532, DLG2602R, DLG2602W, DLG2702V, DLG3051W, DLG3171W, DLG3501W, DLG3744D, DLG3744D, DLG3744D, DLG3744S, DLG3744U, DLG3744U, DLG3744U, DLG3744W, DLG3788W, DLG4802W, DLG4871W, DLG5002W, DLG5932S, DLG5932W, DLG5966G, DLG5966S, DLG5966W, DLG5988B, DLG5988BM, DLG5988BM, DLG5988BM, DLG5988S, DLG5988SM, DLG5988W, DLG5988WM, DLG6952W, DLG6952W, DLG6952W, DLG6988W, DLG7188RM, DLG7188WM, DLG8388NM, DLG8388WM, DLG9588SM, DLG9588WM, DLGX0002TM, DLGX2502V, DLGX2502W, DLGX255, DLGX2802L, DLGX2802W, DLGX2902V, DLGX2902V, DLGX2902V, DLGX2902V, DLGX3002P, DLGX3002R, DLGX3002W, DLGX3251R, DLGX3251V, DLGX3361V, DLGX3371R, DLGX3371V, DLGX3371W, DLGX3471V, DLGX3551V, DLGX3571V, DLGX3571W, DLGX3876V, DLGX3876W, DLGX3886C, DLGX3886W, DLGX4271V, DLGX5001V, DLGX5171V, DLGX5681V, DLGX5781VE, DLGX7188RM, DLGX7188WM, DLGX7601VE, DLGX8001V, DLGX8388NM, DLGX8388WM, DLGX9001V, DLGY1202V, DLGY1202W, DLGY1702V, DLGY1702VE, DLGY1702WE, GDP1329CGS2